
Vocabulary, reasoning, and math games
The concept of learning math is to build a relationship between structural ideas. In order for math concepts and relationships to form, one has to first construct these ideas in his or her own mind. Math requires a mind that is constantly engaged in the material. Each concept in math needs to be fully addressed and learned before being able to proceed to a new one. If a child is easily bored or distracted, it could get in the way of his or her learning. Frustration can easily happen when it comes to leaning math.

Building skills

Every child needs hands-on, minds-on, and authentic learning to master an ability of understanding mathematical concepts. Teaching math vocabulary will provide understanding for what a child should know. Math vocabulary can be found in lists, sentences, and definitions. Everyday experiences can be likened to math. In fact, words that are spoken in our everyday language can be related to math. Skills in math can be developed through discovering and relating the right words.
In order to make sense of math, a child has to have numerical reasoning skills. Math discovery can be uncovered by studying words, terms, or pictures. Behind mathematical addition and subtraction are patterns and relationships, so a fun way to get kids (of all ages) to develop a sense for math is to play math games. The word “game” replaces the word “math” in the academic sense; therefore, learning math will become a more of desire in children.

Educational math games for all students of all ages
A mathematical game poses a challenge, has rules, has a finishing point, and usually has a cognitive math objective. Each math game will target a different skill. These interactions will support a variety of the following skills: reasoning, problem solving, competition, and developing communication. Concepts that are common in math games are mental addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, square roots, and rounding. For younger children, the games that are most helpful are the ones with number recognition and counting shapes and patterns. For any age group, any game that involves analyzing patterns and sorting and classifying objects will create an encouraging environment. These areas of development will target and expand the skills of recognizing, repeating, and explaining, which are often necessary in math.
For elementary-level children, games would involve the following: addition and subtraction, multiplication and division, place value, clocks, money, geometry, and measuring. Then there are the games for middle and high school-aged children which involve some of the previous arithmetic and combines it with algebra, calculus, and trigonometry. Everyone can engage in games that involve math in the real world and problem solving, and they will begin to learn to use tools strategically.

Game types: board, strategy, matching, flash cards, word find puzzles, I Spy, game worksheets, counting games, word problems, and building blocks with math.