Grades 9-12

9th Grade
12th Grade

Providing links to lesson plans, worksheets, tips,
activities and more 9th grade through 12th grade!

Social Studies
12th Grade, K-12 Homeschooling



PBS(high school)

The Constitution, Juvenile Justice, and You (high school)

Books to Help Teach About Social Studies


History Matters (high school)

Designed for high school and college teachers of U.S. History courses. This site serves as a gateway to Web resources and offers useful

Books to Help Teach About History


Bandaides & Blackboards (Teens)Growing up with medical problems.Real Time Experiments!
Do experiments with stuff you have around the house, experiments using the computer, and experiments using the shockwave plug-in.Experiencing Chemistry
From Oregon Museum of Science and Industry. You’ll find demonstrations, slide displays, experiments you can do at home, and more.
Newton’s Apple: (all grades)
A family science show that airs on PBS. You’ll find teachers guides, interactive educational resources, and science experiments you can do at
Froguts is the first true virtual online frog dissection.
Science Mini Lessons (high school)

Chemistry Software and Science Teaching Resources (high school)

Science Lessons for High School

Books to Help Teach About Science

Language Arts

OWL: Online Writing Lab

Kevin’s English Lesson Page (all grades)

Books to Help Teach About Language Arts

Health & Safety

PE Central (all grades)

Education World: To Your Health! (all grades)

Daily Lesson Plan: Health (6-12)

Books to Help Teach About Health & Safety


National Library of Virtual Manipulatives for Interactive Math (9-12)
Don’t be fooled by the name of this web site. There is a ton of interactive math activities. You’re sure to find something that will work for you!

Math Enrichment for Upper Grades

Internet Excursions

Math exercises using Internet resources. Data collection and display, solving systems of linear equations, Venn diagrams, etc.

Algebra Story and Word Problems (Middle/High School)

The Math Forum: Trig/Calc Problem of the Week


Useful Links For The Teacher:

Academy of Achievement brings you face to face with the extraordinary individuals who have shaped our times. It is an amazing collection, not of mere artifacts, but of people and ideas that fill you with inspiration, encouragement, and the will to achieve.
Math Links for TeachersHigh School Ace

Beyond High School:Open Online Education Network Most comprehensive guide to online distance education; provides resources including online course, degree, college and university. The site also hosts forums.

Higher Education Guide Find details on programs and degrees of online and campus colleges and universities, career, specialty, technical, trade and vocational schools, and junior colleges in the US and Canada.

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Clips Ahoy!