Useful Tips for a Home School Mom
In this fast-paced world, even mothers are sometimes incapable of doing everything systematically and in an organised manner. Taking care of your child is already a huge task and adding home schooling to it, increases the stress manifold. This site intends to help the mothers, especially the home schooling mom’s by providing the following tips. These tips are meant for mothers in general and might not be suitable for all mothers; so it is better to mould the tips according to preferences.
Prepare a Plan – As a home school mom, the first thing you need to do is to plan. Though it might not be possible for you to plan daily in terms of your child’s education, you can easily opt for monthly, weekly or fortnightly planning. After you are done with planning, you should strive to accomplish those objectives for your child’s better future.
Choose the time – It is wise to choose such a time when both you and your child can be most productive. Since teaching involves dedication and concentration, the chosen time must be suitable for both of you. You should also decide the amount of time you need to devote to teaching the child. While teaching some courses two times a week may suffice for students up to fifth grade, students of upper grades may require daily teaching of that subject. The division of the teaching time also depends on the amount of time you can devote to your child and both of your coordination. When you are not teaching the child, he or she must be given adequate assignments so that they remain engaged with education.
Make it interesting – You can also use the combination of history and science books to tell evening time or bedtime stories to your child. You can make teaching more interesting by combining geography with history, science with geography, history with literature. This will prevent your child from getting bored while you are teaching.
Avoid regular cooking time – You can devote more time to your child by saving your effort and cooking extra meals. You can put the extra food items in the freezer to utilise it later. You can even do this with food items that are not required immediately. To make a change you can use pizza coupons or occasionally buy meals to home, which will save the cooking effort.
You can devise a lot of ways to make the home school quite interesting for your child. Make the children work in the empty bathtub by piling pillows in it or underneath a table that has been covered with a blanket. Another interesting way is to make your child imagine your bed as a boat and make him or her study there. The mothers can even encourage kids to opt for educational non-school endeavours like scout projects, community service and others. During summer school sessions, you can opt for field trips, science projects, history projects or any other activity that is immensely appealing to the child.
Another useful way is to share resources and teaching plans with a friend, who teaches a similar course and is willing to share the workload in terms of gathering resources and planning lessons. But before approaching any friend, you need to keep this in mind that these things are not possible for everybody.
Those mothers having toddlers and babies need to schedule their work in such a manner that they can manage both the babies and the work. At times, read-aloud, make use of special toys and quality videos or even complete some hands-on projects with the babies in tow.
A home school means that the parents are solely responsible for the education of the child and being a mother this responsibility is mainly shouldered by her. The tasks and responsibilities of a home school mom are not at all easier, but with these tips you can benefit by organising yourself and your duties, in a better manner.