African American History.
Very large collection of African American history links to a wide range of cultural and historical African American concerns.
African-American Mosaic.
A Library of Congress Resource Guide for the Study of Black History and Culture. Includes reproductions of original documents, personal stories, and ex-slave narratives. Part of the Library of Congress online exhibitions collections.
American Memory.
Primary documents and historical materials available on the Web from the Library of Congress. Find out about Women’s Suffrage; do a virtual jigsaw puzzle; take guided tours through the site.
Black History.
This outstanding Black History site offers a full range of activities and was created to support students as they explore topic related to Black History and African American issues. Try the Black History treasure hunt.
Celebrate Hispanic Heritage!
Scholastic’ offers activities and resources for teachers to help students discover the contributions and rich cultures of Hispanics in the United States, with special activities for Hispanic Heritage Month.
Produced by WETA (D.C.’s public broadcasting station), this searchable database offers information and visuals about our nation’s capital.
Info USA
Designed for foreign audiences as a source of basic info on U.S. government, politics, economy, trade, media, science and technology, arts, culture, geography and travel. Contains easy access to overview of U.S. history, documents, speeches, symbols and holidays.
Library of Congress presents America’s Story from America’s Library.
The Library of Congress puts the story back in history through images of primary source documents, prints, photographs, maps, recordings and other materials from the past. Along with the fascinating information about people, places and things of interest to kids of all ages, there are songs to listen to, a Krazy Kat cartoon to watch, a scavenger hunt and other fun things to do.
National Archives & Records Administration
Information on recent and historical government documents. The “Document of the Day” is updated daily. Documents can be viewed close up and printed. Also includes a variety of online exhibits and access to archival databases. Includes a FAQ section and a visit to the National Archives where the viewer can click on a map and see photos of rooms in the National Archives.
Native American Sites on the WWW.
An extensive list of home pages of Native tribes, with those maintained by the tribe itself flagged with a drum icon. Maintained by a mixed-blood Mohawk, urban Indian who is also a librarian at the University of Pittsburgh.
Native Web.
A series of links on nations, peoples, and geographic locations developed by a collective group. Their resource center is organized by subject, nations, and geography.
New Perspectives on the West.
The truth about the West is far more complicated, and much more compelling than generally known. Visit this Web site and explore the many aspects of the West.
Smithsonian: National Museum of the American Indian
Part of the Smithsonian Institution, this museum is devoted to the protection and study of the life, languages, literature, history, and arts of Native Americans.
The White House.
Find out about the histories of the White House itself and pets in the White House. Write an e-mail message to the President, and more!
U.S. Mint for Kids
H.I.P. Pocket Change is a fun, dynamic, and educational Web site developed by the U.S. Mint. Students can learn about U.S. history, coins, and the U.S. Mint. Activities include games, timelines, and teacher lesson plans.
Welcome to WestWeb.
An outstanding, topically organized Web site about the study of the American West. Links to dozens of sites on the study of the West.